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당신의 고양이가 물을 더 많이 마시게하는 5가지 방법 5 ways to encourage your cat to drink more water 1.Provide fresh water Cats prefer fresh water, so it's important to change their water bowl daily and keep it clean. Some cats may also prefer running water, so consider investing in a cat water fountain. 2.Use a shallow bowl Cats have sensitive whiskers, so they may not like drinking from deep bowls. Use a shallow bowl or dish to make it easier for your cat to drink. 3.Add wet food to their die.. 2023. 3. 23.
6가지 사인 당신의 고양이가 사랑을 표현하는 방법 6 Signs That Prove Your Cat Loves You Cats show affection in many ways that can be interpreted as signs of love, including: Purring: cats often purr when they are content and relaxed, and this can be a sign that they feel safe and happy with their owner. Head-butting: cats may bump their heads against their owners as a sign of affection greeting. Kneading: kneading, where a cat pushes and pulls its paws against a soft surface, is a .. 2023. 3. 12.
내 고양이가 오버 그루밍을 하면 어떡게 하나요? What should I do if my cat over grooming? If a cat is grooming excessively or improperly, it may indicate an underlying health problem or behavioral issue. here are some steps you can take: Take your cat the vet: excessive grooming can be a sign of health problems such as allergies, skin infections, or parasites. a veterinarian can examine your cat and determine if there are any underlying medical conditions that need to be addressed. R.. 2023. 3. 9.