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당신의 고양이가 물을 더 많이 마시게하는 5가지 방법 5 ways to encourage your cat to drink more water

by pawsible 2023. 3. 23.

1.Provide fresh water Cats prefer fresh water, so it's important to change their water bowl daily and keep it clean. Some cats may also prefer running water, so consider investing in a cat water fountain.


2.Use a shallow bowl Cats have sensitive whiskers, so they may not like drinking from deep bowls. Use a shallow bowl or dish to make it easier for your cat to drink.


3.Add wet food to their diet Wet food contains more water than dry food, so adding wet food to your cat's diet can help to increase their water intake. You can also add a little bit of water to your cat's dry food to make it more appealing.


4.Try flavored water Some cats may prefer flavored water, such as water with a little bit of tuna juice or chicken broth added. However, be sure to check with your vet first to ensure that the added flavoring is safe for your cat.


5.Provide multiple water sources Cats like to have options, so provide multiple water sources throughout your home. This can include water bowls in different rooms or even a small water fountain in your cat's favorite spot.



Encouraging your cat to drink more water is important for their overall health and well-being. By trying these six methods, you can help ensure that your cat is staying hydrated and healthy.
